The AAO Consumer Awareness Program (CAP), all-digital since 2017, is now undergoing strategic revamping for media channels as well as preparing for a new creative strategy.

The CAP will continue to be all digital, but with delivery of content based on demographics (women aged 30-45) and behaviorally targeted (for example, having searched for an orthodontist). Expanded use of online media is expanding CAP content’s reach.

In the past the AAO has used Facebook, YouTube and Instagram but is now adding OTT, programmatic digital content, native digital and native video channels.* The new digital strategy began in September and by the end of the month had achieved:

5 million impressions (content presented to individuals);
349,000 conversions (click-throughs to the consumer website,; and
3,359 clicks on the Find an Orthodontist locator on the home page.

Content being delivered on the added channels includes videos from two popular AAO series that launched with large-scale views and engagement on Facebook and YouTube during the past two years, “The Precocious Kid” and “The Almost Right Person.”

New Creative Approach Tailored for Ease of Consumption
Materials are being developed for a new creative approach emphasizing “snackable” content that is short-form and easy to consume. Photos, infographics, memes and short videos will be included. As these new creative assets are developed they will be tested on Facebook and on the new channels.

In other CAP News, work on the new consumer website is also underway. The new site will be designed to offer an updated look and feel as well as easier navigation and an improved user experience for visitors.

Watch for updates in coming months in the eBulletin, and see new creative elements as they launch by following the AAO on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube:


* The new media types now being used by the AAO to deliver content to consumers include:

OTT:  Standing for “Over the Top,” OTT refers to anydirect-to-consumer video content platform offering content customers to stream on-demand, such as Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, etc.
Programmatic digital content – Automated technology is used for digital media buying (the process of buying advertising space), as opposed to traditional (often manual) buying methods. Programmatic media buying employs data insights and algorithms to deliver ads to users.
Native digital – This is a type of advertising in which ads have the same look as the content in which they are placed and fit “natively” and seamlessly on the web page. Since they don’t really look like ads, so they don’t disrupt the user’s interaction with the page. T
Native video:  Rather than being hosted on specific sites and linked to other digital channels or pages, Native video is uploaded to or created on social networks and played in-feed. Native video formats are platform-specific and are designed to maximize engagement by users.