Insurance Claims
Find the help you need with insurance claims.
The AAO is on your side as you navigate the complexities of today’s insurance world. Our goal is to help you connect with the resources you need to process claims and get paid faster.
Dental and Medical Coding Resources
Searching for the right CDT or ICD-10 code? We have the information that can help you classify every procedure for the fastest, most accurate billing and reimbursement. Each resource includes insights on coding, notation, and classification your staff can reference every day.

Ortho Insurance 101
Looking for information on orthodontic insurance and billing? Check out the additional resources below:
Insurance Insights
The Dental Benefits Advisory Service (DBAS) staff has compiled helpful insights on a variety of dental insurance issues. Find those resources by clicking any of the buttons below:

Medically Necessary Orthodontic Care
In 2010, the Affordable Care Act mandated that insurance cover “medically necessary” pediatric dental care. Unfortunately, there is no federal definition, so it’s left to the states to decide what is covered. The AAO is working with providers, state and federal agencies, and others to set standards based on scientific evidence.

Dental Benefits Comment Box
Do you have comments or suggestions regarding dental benefits programs, claim submissions, the CDT code, or other related matters? Let us know!
Still have questions about insurance benefits?
The AAO’s Dental Benefits Advisory Service (DBAS) is here to help guide you and your staff through common insurance issues.
Contact DBAS staff today at 1 (314) 292-6570.