According to the latest AAO Environmental & Technology Scan, staff turnover and talent shortages are critical issues orthodontic practices face today. Over 50% of orthodontists report staff turnover as a problem impacting their practices, highlighting the industry’s critical need to attract and retain qualified talent while leveraging technology to relieve some administrative and clinical workload.* 

The U.S. Department of Labor projects faster-than-average growth in healthcare occupation job openings, including dental and orthodontic assistants, from 2022 to 2032. This growth, coupled with factors such as work-life imbalance, inadequate pay, and lack of growth opportunities, contributes to the continued talent shortage. 

The report recommends effective recruitment and retention strategies, along with technological adoption to reduce reliance on staff for routine tasks. Plus, tailoring benefits and work environments is important to appeal to Millennial and Gen Z workers, who value flexibility, purpose-driven work, and technological innovation. 

Recruitment Strategies: 
1. Consider the role and skills you really need.  
2. Craft detailed job descriptions differentiating your practice by describing your culture, outlining roles, responsibilities, and all available benefits. 
3. Utilize online job boards, social media, and the practice’s website for job postings. 
4. Encourage referrals from employees and patients. 
5. Partner with educational institutions and participate in job fairs. 

Retention Strategies: 
1. Offer competitive compensation packages, including health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. 
2. Provide opportunities for professional development and career advancement. 
3. Foster a positive work culture and recognize employee contributions. 
4. Consider flexible schedules. 

Leveraging Technology (Ease Administrative Burdens and Improve Efficiency): 
1. Implement digital patient records and practice management systems. 
2. Utilize remote monitoring to reduce in-office visits. 
3. Adopt financial management tools for billing and insurance claims processing. 
4. Implement automated inventory management systems.

While technology can streamline many processes, the report emphasizes the need to maintain a balance with human interaction to provide personalized, compassionate care. 

Successful integration of new technologies requires comprehensive staff training, gradual implementation, and ongoing monitoring of their impact on practice operations. By combining effective talent management strategies with smart technology adoption, orthodontic practices can position themselves to thrive in the current tight labor market while continuing to deliver high-quality patient care. 

View the Complete Environmental and Technology Scan Report

For more recruitment and retention tools resources visit AAO Staff Recruiting Resources. This page features a link to the AAO Career Center, where you can post job openings, as well as access to ready-to-use templates, staff training materials, and other valuable staffing and recruiting tools. 

* AAO custom research, November 2022