A panel of AAO experts on artificial intelligence (AI) and the Advocacy team collaborated on drafting a submission from the AAO to the U.S. House of Representatives Task Force on Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare Innovation Caucus. The AAO addressed the Congressional group’s Request for Information (RFI), the State of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care.

The Healthcare Innovation Caucus is compiling input on AI and healthcare usage and requested input from a cross-section of healthcare industry stakeholders. Dr. Neal Kravitz, 2022-24 chair of the AAO Committee on Technology (CTECH), recommended AI clinical experts from the AAO membership to contribute to the commentary.

Authors included Dr. Jae Park, Dr. Lucia Cevidanes, Dr. Jonas Bianchi, Dr. Sunil Kapila and Dr. Nikhillesh Vaiid. The AAO submitted the public comments document to Congress on May 6, 2024 (the Caucus’s deadline), under the signature of AAO Vice President of Advocacy Nathan Mick.

The commentary listed 10 aspects of orthodontic treatment for which AI applications have been utilized and referenced administrative uses of AI in practice management, noting:

“… as an evidence-based organization focused on patient health and safety, AAO continues to rely on the need for more quality data from quality outcomes with doctor review. A growing number of use cases for AI are in their early adoption stages and larger, more reliable data sets still need to be collected and evaluated. AI is not a replacement for a doctor. Rather, responsible use of AI assists a doctor and AI should be used in ways that do not compromise the quality care every patient deserves.”

View the AAO’s Submission to Congress

Since the submission of the public comment, the AAO has also made progress on a long-term initiative pertaining to AI. The CTECH AI in Orthodontics Task Force, comprised of practitioners, educators/researchers and suppliers, formed in the spring and held its first meeting on June 17.

The task force is led by Dr. Heather Hopkins, chair and CTECH member. Task force members include Dr. Anthony Puntillo (practitioner and American Board of Orthodontics Board member), Dr. Mario Tai (practitioner), Dr. Jae Park (educator, deputy editor-in-chief, AJO-DO and AJO-DO Clinical Companion) Dr. Lucia Cevidanes (educator), Dr. Jonas Bianchi (educator), Mr. Zerko Relic (CTO Align Technology), Mr. Ryan Goy (CADflow.AI), Mr. Frank Hemm (Dental Monitoring), Dr. Trista Felty, AAO Board of Trustees liaison and Ms. Mindi Brothers (AAO staff liaison).

The purpose of the task force is to develop parameters that guide the appropriate use and application of AI in orthodontics. These parameters will be used to inform members and suppliers and will be foundational to AAO political and regulatory advocacy efforts.