Our recent state updates overview noted that Illinois Senate Bill 2586, relating to teledentistry and patient health and safety, had passed favorably in the Senate Licensed Activities Committee. Last week, SB2586 passed unanimously on the Illinois Senate floor – a milestone for this legislation – and has now moved to the Illinois House of Representatives with Rep. Anna Moeller as the sponsor. The bill has until May 3 to pass out of its committee in the House.
During this legislative session the AAO Advocacy team, the Illinois Society of Orthodontists, the Illinois State Dental Society, and AAO’s local lobbying team have worked to add increased patient protection in Illinois, to require an in-person exam and a review of patient records prior to treatment.
The AAO will continue to advocate for policies that are in the best interest of patient health and safety. There is still work to be done to ensure this legislation includes certain patient protections.
Thank you to all Illinois members whose grassroots advocacy actions made a difference in moving this bill through the state Senate. We look forward to continuing work in the House during the coming weeks.
Going Forward: AAO Efforts and Your Support Will Be Key
In coming months, AAO Advocacy team members, the award-winning National Advocacy Network (NAN), and other volunteer leader advocates will continue to work with component and constituent organization leaders on AAO policy priorities – teledentistry and beyond. Together, we will help grow the AAO brand with lawmakers and their staffs, while also ensuring that the orthodontic specialty has a seat at the table to help shape and influence policy moving through the legislative process in state sessions across the country.
As we continue advocacy work in the states, please help support AAO Advocacy priorities by making your gift celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the AAO Political Action Committee in 2024. It only takes a few minutes to complete your contribution now at AAOPAC.org, using the e-mail address associated with your AAO membership.
AAOPAC is helping to fuel our advocacy success not only in Washington, D.C. but in states throughout the country as well. Our AAOPAC Pillars of Giving are working and the AAO’s advocacy influence continues to grow through AAO member grassroots engagement. Your grassroots voice and AAOPAC support make all the difference!
AAO-Supported Teledentistry Bill Passes Illinois Senate Unanimously and Moves to the House
April 17, 2024