More to Achieve by May 31
The AAO Political Action Committee has broken an all-time record for fundraising by surpassing $373,775 in contributions in a fiscal year (for FY 2022-23). The growth in AAOPAC support reflects growing realization among AAO members that AAOPAC helps fuel advocacy success, not only in Washington, D.C. but in states throughout the country.

AAO leaders would like to thank AAOPAC Chair Dr. Clark Colville, the AAOPAC Board, and AAO Advocacy staff for their leadership on this effort – and congratulate the many AAO contributors across all constituencies for making this happen.  

There is still more work to be done:  The AAOPAC Board set another goal this fiscal year to secure at least 738 AAOPAC contributors. We need 127 more eligible AAO members who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents to contribute at by May 31.  Please take a moment now to send any amount to help achieve this contributor goal for the fiscal year.

Two Residency Programs Achieved 100% AAOPAC Participation
Orthodontic residents continue to make a difference through their contributions to AAOPAC as well.  10% of all eligible residents currently contribute to AAOPAC and that is significant growth from the last fiscal year, when 10 residents total contributed to AAOPAC.

One of the powerful initiatives spurring increased resident engagement came from Dr. Katie Garrett-McCormack’s Spring 2023 Resident Challenge to encourage all orthodontic residency programs to increase the number of contributors to The challenge resulted in two orthodontic resident programs this year with 100% AAOPAC participation. Congratulations to the University of Maryland and University of Texas at Houston residents, and thanks to all resident contributors for your important support!

Thanks for helping to achieve these goals in a record-breaking AAOPAC year and making a difference for AAO advocacy priorities and influence through your support!