The AAO is excited to share that on Wednesday, May 29th, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed House Bill 855, including AAO’s model teledentistry language, into law. This multi-year effort, led by the AAO in partnership with the Florida Association of Orthodontists (FAO) and Florida Dental Association (FDA), is a ground-breaking win for patient health and safety in Florida that builds on AAO landmark legislation in Nevada that became law in 2023.

Effective July 1, 2024 Florida law requires:

 •          Every dentist and certain individuals, partnerships, corporations, and other entities to provide specified information to certain patients;

•           A dentist of record remain primarily responsible for all dental treatments for a patient treated through telehealth;

•           Advertisements of dental services provided through telehealth to include a specified disclaimer for certain dental services, etc.;

•           An in-person examination and review of x-rays from the last 12 months prior to the movement of teeth.

“The AAO and FAO working successfully for a strong teledentistry law in Florida will help momentum grow for similar legislation in other states as AAO continues to play offense around the country,” said AAO Vice President of Advocacy Nathan Mick.

Senate Bill 302, sponsored by Senator Jim Boyd, was introduced in November 2023 for the 2024 session. Its companion bill, House Bill 855, was introduced by Representatives Lawrence McClure and Kim Berfield in December 2023, requiring an in-person examination and “a dentist of record to remain primarily responsible for all dental treatments for a patient treated through telehealth.” 

In February 2024, SB302 unanimously passed through three Senate committees with Senator Jim Boyd as our sponsor. Similarly, HB855 unanimously passed through all referred committees, including the Florida House Health and Human Services Committee, before then passing unanimously in the full House.

The House version of the legislation, HB855, was then sent to the full Senate floor, where it passed unanimously on March 5 and was subsequently sent to Governor DeSantis. 

Legislation like this typically takes years to pass in Florida. The AAO extends its gratitude to the many coalition partners in this effort, including strong grassroots leadership from the FAO and the Florida National Advocacy Network team. This success is also made possible by the AAO Component Legal Support Fund, AAO Advocacy staff members, and AAO’s team of local lobbyists in Florida at Johnston & Stewart, who have championed the AAO’s advocacy priorities in Florida on behalf of AAO members and their patients.  

Together, orthodontists ensured that important patient health and safety legislation positively advanced through the legislative process to protect Floridians from the harms and risks that can come from mail-order orthodontic treatment models.

The AAO will continue to work with its coalition partners on implementation of the new law and will continue to champion patient health and safety in Florida and across the country.