Established by the AAO Board of Trustees in November 2023, the AAO Mental Wellness Task Force, comprised of Drs. Kevin Kurtzner (chair), Kyle Fagala and Danielle Phillis with Trustee Liaisons, Drs. Anil Idiculla and Michael Sherman, along with AAO staff members Mindi Brothers, Libby Dischert and Gianna Nawrocki has been planning mental wellness specific resources and support for members.
The Task Force conducted research among members this fall and learned that mental wellness is a very important topic for our members and one that they believe AAO should assist members with, evidenced by the following survey results:
• 29% of members and 19% of student members are experiencing high stress
• 70% of members and 92% of student members believe AAO should provide mental wellness resources
• 40% of members and 78% of student members would likely use these resources
Using the above data as a rationale, the Mental Wellness Task Force has prepared and is pleased to announce the launch of a collection of online resources designed to help support AAO member mental wellness.
The Task Force’s overarching goals are to:
- Overcome stigma associated with mental wellness
- Provide access to mental wellness resources
What is Mental Wellness?
Mental wellness is a positive state of mind that allows people to cope with everyday stresses, work productively, and contribute to their community. It’s a dynamic process that’s more than just the absence of mental illness.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, there are six strategies to improving mental health that are universal to humans. The Task Force also added a strategy specific to orthodontists:
• Build Resilience – People who are emotionally well, experts say, have fewer negative emotions and are able to bounce back from difficulties faster. This is called resilience.
• Reduce Stress – Everyone feels stressed from time to time. But if stress lasts a long time – a condition known as chronic stress – it becomes harmful.
• Get Quality Sleep – Sleep affects both mental and physical health. It’s vital to one’s well-being. Sleep helps one to think more clearly, have quicker reflexes and focus better.
• Cope With Loss – The death of a loved one can feel overwhelming, affecting how one feels, acts, and thinks. There are healthy ways to grieve.
• Strengthen Social Connections – Social connections might help protect health and lengthen life. Scientists are finding that our links to others can have powerful effects on our health—both emotionally and physically.
• Be Mindful – Studies suggest that focusing on the present can have a positive impact on health and well-being. Mindfulness-based treatments have been shown to reduce anxiety and depression. There’s also evidence that mindfulness can lower blood pressure and improve sleep. It may even help people cope with pain.
• (Orthodontic specific) Cope with Perfectionism – Orthodontists are perfectionists by nature and may be likely to obsess over any imperfection in any aspect of their lives.
AAO mental wellness resources are based on these strategies and include created and curated content such as general information about the importance of mental wellness, online mental wellness screeners, self-help resources and vetted resources to help find a therapist.
All of the resources can be accessed via the AAO member website here:
An existing resource incorporated into the resource collection is the AAO Well-Being and Self Care package of recent archived lectures, available to members at no cost and covering topics such as burn-out, stress management, interpersonal communication and other topics.
During January 2025, the eBulletin will roll out the available mental wellness resources with videos featuring members sharing their own mental wellness stories. Watch for the eBulletin in your in-box each Friday morning.