The 2025 AAO Professional Advocacy Conference will be held March 11-12 in Washington, D.C. at the Capital Hilton and on Capitol Hill.  AAO members who have made an AAOPAC contribution of $250 or more this fiscal year (since June 1, 2024) will be the first to receive an invitation in early October.

Space is limited, but there is still time to make your gift in observance of the AAOPAC 30th Anniversary, attend the conference and help advocate on behalf of the specialty and orthodontic patients. 

Contribute in either of two easy ways:

  1. Online: Visit   
  2. In-person: Visit the AAOPAC booth at your 2024 fall constituent meeting. 

2025 Advocacy Conference Will Build on 2024 Successes
The 2024 Professional Advocacy Conference hosted a maximum capacity blend of AAO orthodontist advocates and 47 orthodontic residents.

AAO attendees carried out over 60 meetings in U.S. House and Senate offices, sharing the AAO’s evidence-based policy priorities, including patient health and safety concerns relating to mail-order orthodontic treatment models, workforce shortages and small business challenges, and student loan debt concerns. The AAO Political Action Committee Board of Directors hosted a bipartisan reception at the Hamilton Hotel where Professional Advocacy Conference attendees connected directly with 15% of the United States Senate.

“Several Senators remarked to me how impressed they were that the AAO could host such a large, bipartisan group of Senators for our private event with orthodontists and residents from around the country,” said AAO Vice President of Advocacy, Nathan Mick. “One Senator quipped, ‘They are keeping a vote open on the Senate floor now because so many of us are away from Capitol Hill to be with you tonight.’

“Building bipartisan Congressional relationships through direct grassroots engagement with our AAO members positively builds our brand and strengthens relationships, especially when orthodontists have critical issues where we need urgent leadership and support from Capitol Hill,” added Mr. Mick. “Events like this cultivate opportunities for our policy priorities in the future.”

AAOPAC is helping to fuel our advocacy success not only in Washington, D.C. but in states throughout the country as well. Members of Congress are grateful to connect directly with AAO Members. Our bipartisan AAOPAC Pillars of Giving are working, and AAO’s advocacy influence continues to grow through AAO Member grassroots engagement.

We hope to see you in Washington, D.C.!