House of Delegates
Charting the future of the AAO.
The House of Delegates (HOD) represents the membership through representatives from each of the eight constituent groups. The HOD plays a significant role in leading the AAO by setting policy on dues and assessments, approving the annual operating budget and developing the Strategic Plan, among other areas of responsibility.
The yearly HOD meeting usually occurs during the Annual Session and members are encouraged to participate by attending the live sessions, viewing the proceedings virtually and/or sharing their feedback on resolutions via the online commenting tool. In 2024, the House of Delegates will be held in-person in New Orleans, LA on May 3 and May 6.

Your voice is a valuable part of the AAO’s future.
Use these forms to propose a resolution for the upcoming session.
We’re here to help.
If you have questions about the resolution process or the House of Delegates, contact:
Lisa Chandler, Governance Specialist: HOD Logistics, Resolutions, and Reports, [email protected]
Brandon Hackworth, VP, Governance and Membership, [email protected]