Register now and hear a clinician’s 10-year perspective on 3D imaging and 3D printing at the 2017 Winter Conference, February 10-11 in Fort Lauderdale. In addition to Dr. Ed Lin’s lecture, speakers will share new perspectives on Internet and social media marketing and a deep dive into technology return on investment.

The meeting, “Technology: Balancing Profit, Lifestyle and Patient Care,” will feature presentations by well-regarded consultants and AAO members with expertise in technology-related aspects of practice management.

“Orthodontists love gadgets,” says Dr. Greg Jorgensen, general chair of the conference. “Most of us are technology nerds. In addition to craving the newest and coolest things, we also feel pressure to make sure our practices are up-to-date technologically. As a young doctor, you wonder, ‘If I don’t have this technology, will I be able to compete?’ As you near retirement, you worry, ‘If I don’t have this technology, will I be able to sell?’ And in the mid-career years, you ask yourself, ‘Will this make me money, make my life easier, and give my patients better care?’ Attendees will leave the conference with a better idea of not only what is the newest thing, but also a grasp of what technology makes sense for their individual practices.’”

The program will include:

  • Mr. Steven McEvoy
    Computers are a Pain in the  . . .
  • Dr. Greg Jorgensen
    Internet Marketing 2017:  What’s Working, What’s Not
  • Dr. Neal Kravitz
    Building an Elite Office through Facebook Marketing
  • Dr. Aaron Molen
    TechNO or TechYES:  Pragmatic Technology in the Modern Orthodontic Office
  • Dr. Edward Lin
    One Clinician’s Journey with 3D Imaging and 3D Printing over the Past Decade
  • Dr. Christian Groth
    Intraoral Scanners and 3D Printers:  Is It Time to Upgrade Your Digital Toolbox?
  • Mr. Charles Loretto
    Lecture: Technology and Orthodontics:  What Makes Financial Sense?
  • Mr. Chris Bentson
    Effects of Technology on Practice Value and Profitability

Keynote speaker Jack Shaw is a noted expert on the strategic impact of emerging technologies. Voted one of the World’s Top 5 Technology Futurists by more than 12,000 meeting planners, executives and conference attendees, Mr. Shaw has advised Oracle, SAP, IBM, CA Technologies and others.

Mr. Shaw’s lecture, “How Technology is Disrupting Business as Usual,” will address the relationship between today’s orthodontic practice and emerging technologies.

Learn more and register for the 2017 Winter Conference.