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Becoming an AAO Member

Please select your role below.

To apply for AAO membership, complete an online application (preferred) or PDF application.

  • First-time applicants with a permanent U.S. residence must be members in good standing of the American Dental Association (ADA) at the time of application. You will need your ADA number to complete your AAO application.
  • The AAO membership year runs June 1 through May 31.

AAO member categories, and basic eligibility requirements* are as follows:

Are you a former AAO member who wants to rejoin? 

Are you full-time orthodontic faculty at an accredited orthodontic program or dental school?

Have you retired from practice? 

*For more detailed eligibility requirements, please contact the AAO Member Service Center at 314-993-1700 or [email protected].

To apply for Student Membership complete an online application (preferred) or PDF application. Note: The online application is a two-step process. Create an online sign-in account and then apply.

  • Student Member applications are processed upon receipt, and applicants will be charged $30 for the first year’s dues.
  • First-time applicants with a permanent U.S. residence must be members in good standing of the American Dental Association (ADA) at the time of application. You will need your ADA number to complete your AAO application.
  • The AAO membership year runs June 1 through May 31.
  • AAO Student Members are eligible to continue their Student Memberships through May 31st of the year following their orthodontic residency program graduation. 

Note: International applicants must be members in good standing of the World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO). (Graduates of accredited U.S. or Canadian orthodontic programs are exempt from this requirement.)

  • Are you a WFO member?
    • If yesclick here to complete an AAO membership application.
    • If noclick here to complete a combined AAO/WFO membership application. This application is also available in Spanish.
  • The AAO membership year runs June 1 through May 31.

For more details, contact the AAO Member Service Center at +001-314-993-1700, [email protected].

Note: International student applicants must be student members in good standing of the World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO).

  • Are you a WFO member?
    • If yesclick here to complete an online AAO application (use your WFO login credentials when prompted).
    • If noclick here to complete a combined AAO/WFO membership application. This application is also available in Spanish.
  • International students may join for FREE for the first year. Renewals are $30 per year.
  • The AAO membership year runs June 1 through May 31.
  • International Student Members are eligible to continue their International Student Memberships through May 31st of the year following their orthodontic training program graduation.

For more details, contact the AAO Member Service Center at +001-314-993-1700, [email protected].

The AAO Orthodontic Staff Club is available to all orthodontic staff and team members who have their employer’s (AAO member doctor) approval to join. Benefits of Orthodontic Staff Club include a subscription to online recorded lectures, a discounted registration fee for the Annual Session, full access to the AAO member website, and more.

The Orthodontic Staff Club annual fee is $50 per practice covering an unlimited number of staff, and the membership period runs June 1 through May 31. Click here to access the Orthodontic Staff Club application (AAO member’s signature required).

To apply for AAO membership, complete an online application (preferred) or PDF application.

  • First-time applicants with a permanent U.S. residence must be members in good standing of the American Dental Association (ADA) at the time of application. You will need your ADA number to complete your AAO application.
  • The AAO membership year runs June 1 through May 31.

AAO member categories, and basic eligibility requirements* are as follows:

Are you a former AAO member who wants to rejoin? 

Are you full-time orthodontic faculty at an accredited orthodontic program or dental school?

Have you retired from practice? 

*For more detailed eligibility requirements, please contact the AAO Member Service Center at 314-993-1700 or [email protected].

To apply for Student Membership complete an online application (preferred) or PDF application. Note: The online application is a 2 step process. Register for a user account and then apply.

  • Student Member applications are processed upon receipt, and applicants will be charged $30 for the first year’s dues.
  • First-time applicants with a permanent U.S. residence must be members in good standing of the American Dental Association (ADA) at the time of application. You will need your ADA number to complete your AAO application.
  • The AAO membership year runs June 1 through May 31.

Note: International student applicants must be student members in good standing of the World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO).

  • Are you a WFO member?
    • If yesclick here to complete an online AAO application (use your WFO login credentials when prompted).
    • If noclick here to complete a combined AAO/WFO membership application. This application is also available in Spanish.
  • International student applications are processed monthly.
  • International students may join for FREE for the first year. Renewals are $30 per year.
  • The AAO membership year runs June 1 through May 31.
  • International Student Members are eligible to continue their International Student Memberships through May 31st of the year following their orthodontic training program graduation.

For more details, contact the AAO Member Service Center at +001-314-993-1700, [email protected].